The audience for all CAQDAS programs, including NVivo, is for qualitative researchers, mixed-methods researchers, and students learning about qualitative and mixed-methods research data collection, analysis, display, and reporting. Other CAQDAS programs include Atlas.ti (Scientific Software Development GmbH), Dedoose (SocioCultural Research Consultants/UCLA), and QDA Miner (Provalis Research), among several others. CAQDAS programs do not, however, replace the need for the human researcher they assist the researcher by offering tools and features to organize and structure the data collected. CAQDAS programs assist qualitative researchers to collect, organize, analyze, visualize, and report their data.

It has also been argued that using NVivo or computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) can even improve the quality of the analysis. NVivo can import and support multiple types of formats and data types and is a helpful tool for sorting, organizing, and analyzing qualitative data. Given the different types of qualitative data, tools to manage and analyze this information must provide options for data in multiple formats. The MacOdrum Library offers support in the use of the NVivo software including scheduled workshops, class presentations, and individual appointments.Qualitative data can produce meaningful findings if they are managed properly, even though these data can oftentimes be multifaceted. You must login with your MC1 credentials to gain access to this website.įor help with Installation, license issues or technical support, please contact the ITS Service Desk. Licenses and software are now available for download, please go to: The media may not be loaned to anyone else.

The installation of the software on more than one computer is not permitted unless the license specifically allows it and/or the appropriate site license fees have been paid. This media is the property of Carleton University and may not be copied without explicit permission. Terms of Service: Carleton University Site Licensed Software is covered under a variety of legal contracts. This license is renewed annually mid-October and a new license key must be applied each year. It won’t do the intellectual work of deciding what your data means, but it can help you to identify themes, see patterns, that may make it easier for you to discover those meanings.

NVivo software that can help you to organize, manage, and make sense of qualitative data such as field notes, interviews, videos, social media, and much more.