Tastefully Simple has some good marketing approaches, but the individual distributor plays a strong role in their own success. Of course, theory and practice are two different things. The right marketing strategies can take advantage of this, giving sellers an edge. We often don't make entirely rational choices when it comes to food. If people really enjoy an exclusive product that a company creates, they may come back time and time again.Īnother distinct advantage is the way that food appeals to our emotions. Food is also consumable, which makes repeat sales that much easier. People always need to eat and there's often a preference for food that tastes fantastic and is easy to prepare. Even so, the company manages the field surprisingly well through their marketing and party-based approaches.Īs an industry, food never goes out of style.

The style is an odd one at face value, as you can't really sell fresh food through mail order. Tastefully Simple is a food-related MLM, one that sells a variety of products, including sauces, oils, food mixes, and related items.